Construction Careers Fair HMP Portland
Last Thursday Weston College Prison Education staff hosted a Construction themed Careers Fair at HMP Portland, a category C working and rehabilitation prison. The Day saw 100 men who attend vocational training and education delivered by Weston College Group Prison Education we also opened up sessions for men engaged in prison industries.
“Days like today bring our learners hope”
Dan Skelton HMP Portland
Dan Skelton our curriculum manager at HMP Portland highlighted how key an event like this is for our learners. It was also a great opportunity to showcase our amazing facilities and courses to employers.
A day like today couldn’t happen without the support of our employer partners, so an enormous thanks to Wessex Water, Kier Group, Lancer Scott Ltd, T Clarke Willmott Dixon, Abatec Recruitment, AmeyBriggs. We hope they enjoyed their day as much as our learners valued the opportunity.
We cannot wait to welcome them back to HMP Portland and our other prisons in the southwest.
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